goofing off

美 [ˈɡuːfɪŋ ɔːf]英 [ˈɡuːfɪŋ ɒf]
  • 网络游手好闲;闲荡
goofing offgoofing off


the evasion of work or duty
Synonym: shirking slacking soldiering goldbricking


  1. Why don 't you just admit you 're goofing off ?


  2. You 'll never be happy if you spend all your time goofing off .


  3. When the boss found me goofing off , he came down on me like a ton of bricks .


  4. The ride there was eventless enough , just dirt and trees and four friends goofing off .


  5. We went to movies and school events together , and spent lots of time playing cards and games or just goofing off , usually at our house .


  6. Do you remember when we were at the movies and those high school students threw candy at the screen , you could say they were goofing off .


  7. He wasn 't drunk , he was goofing off .


  8. Ok , now go hit the sack , but after tomorrow 's test we will have to study seriously for next week 's test , no more goofing off .


  9. What are you trying to say ? Come on , spit it out ! Why don 't you just admit you 're goofing off ?


  10. Many wanted to know why , instead of working on their games , two young rotation players for one of the NBA 's worst teams were goofing off on YouTube .


  11. Marc and I were just watching the road ahead of us and Eric and Forest were in the back seat goofing off and roughhousing .


  12. Get enough sleep Staying up late at night watching TV , goofing off or drinking might be fun at the time , but leads to excessive tiredness during classes .


  13. When the four weren 't filming , they were goofing off and playing softball , until someone on the crew challenged them to a relay race.The setup was simple .


  14. And there is the time we spend studying and travelling before our careers , or in early retirement , to say nothing of the many hours spent goofing off at work and looking at Facebook .


  15. In fact , some companies may benefit from the internet outage , as it will give them a chance to get caught up on tasks they have been postponing because they spent time goofing off online .


  16. The " Wolves " singer , 25 , celebrated the reputation hitmaker 's 28th birthday on Wednesday with a short video of the pair giggling and goofing off together .


  17. If you quit your last job to follow a band on tour , be ready to put a positive spin on it & maybe you were considering writing a book about the experience rather than just goofing off ?


  18. If you 're goofing off while the boss is on vacation or don 't proofread that super important email , the person she reports to probably won 't be too happy with either of you .


  19. We had been there about 10 minutes , looking through the windows of the church , exploring the side graveyard and generally just goofing off when I decided to go around to the back of the church .


  20. JODY LEWEN : " You know , all the stereotypes people have in their minds about people who are incarcerated , and they assume they 're a lot of troublemakers and people are goofing off and they do not want to do their work . That stereotype has nothing to do with reality . "
